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How Flintshire Benefit from UK Solar Panel Grants in 2024?

Solar panels are a smart choice for many UK homeowners. Already, more than 1.3 million have installed them to save on energy bills and help the environment. Even though the price for solar panels has gone up, costing about £9,000 for a typical house, they can still save you around £1,190 every year. This means in about eight years, they’ve paid for themselves.

The UK government has some grants that can help cover the cost of getting solar panels. The ECO4 scheme is one of these, and it offers free solar panels to people who qualify. We’ve looked into all the latest grants and other ways to get funding for solar panels. Our goal is to make sure you have all the information you need to take advantage of these opportunities. Join us as we explore how you can make the most out of solar energy.

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Understand Solar Grants

Thinking about getting solar panel grants in the UK? Great news—there are lots of grants and special offers available. The government wants more people to use clean energy instead of gas and oil. Since our homes add a lot to the UK’s pollution, using solar energy can really help clean things up.

And it’s not just the government giving out these grants. Local councils, energy companies, and some charities are all helping out too. They’ve got things like the Energy Company Obligation scheme and Solar Together. In Scotland, there’s a special grant, and there’s also a program that pays you for any extra solar energy you don’t use.

Didn’t get a grant? No problem! You can still save money on solar panels with no VAT on certain energy-saving stuff, and you can even get some money back for sharing your solar power with grid. It’s a really good time to go solar!

Quick Guide to Government Support and Savings in the UK

  1. No Free Solar Panels: While there aren’t any government grants covering the entire cost, there are ways to save money and even earn from solar panels.
  2. Earn with Smart Export Guarantee: You can actually make money with solar panels through the Smart Export Guarantee. It’s like getting paid for the extra energy you generate.
  3. VAT Reduction Scheme: Good news! You won’t have to pay any VAT (that’s a tax) on new solar panels for a while. From April 2022 to April 2027, it’s set at 0%, saving you some cash.
  4. ECO4 Scheme for Eligible Households: Some households meeting specific criteria could receive funding through the ECO4 scheme. It’s like a helping hand for those who qualify.
UK Solar GrantsRun TimePotential SavingsEligibility Criteria
Solar TogetherOngoingSavings vary (savings of 10–25% have been made previously)Homeowners and renters living in a participating council area
0% VATApril 1, 2022–March 2027£1,300+ on installation & energy billsSolar panel purchases and installations made in England, Scotland, and Wales
Energy Company Obligation 4 (ECO4)April 1st 2022–March 2026Partially or fully FREE solar panel possibilityHomes in England, Scotland, or Wales. Eligibility determined by local authorities
Feed-in Tariff2010–2019 (Expired)(Those registered will continue to benefit)Generation Tariff – 6.38–13.88p per kWh Export Tariff – 4.77p per unitOwners of solar panels, wind turbines, and micro combined heat and power (micro-CHP) systems
Home Upgrade Scheme (HUG2)April 2023-March 2025Local authority dependent, but households could receive up to £10,000Low income households, off-grid, low energy efficiency rated property
Welsh Government Warm Homes Nest SchemeOngoingHouseholds could receive free solar panelsWelsh households receiving income-related benefits, properties with low energy performance ratings
Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)January 1st 2020 – (lifetime)1–7.5p per kWh1p – 24p per kWh of excess electricity produced by solar panels
Uk Solar Panel Grant

Now that we’ve covered the overview of grants and schemes available for solar panel installation in Flintshire, let’s delve deeper into each option to understand how they can specifically benefit you. By exploring the details of these programs, you can gain a clearer picture of which ones align best with your needs and circumstances, ultimately paving the way towards a more sustainable and cost-effective energy solution for your home or business.

ECO4 Scheme

The Energy Company Obligation 4 (ECO4) scheme is a government initiative that requires large energy suppliers to fund energy efficiency improvements for low-income households and those living in fuel poverty. The scheme runs from April 2022 to March 2026 and covers England, Scotland, and Wales.

One of the measures that can be funded by ECO4 is solar panels, which can help households save money on their electricity bills and reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. However, not everyone is eligible for this scheme. You need to meet certain criteria based on your income, benefits, property type, and energy efficiency rating. You also need to apply through a local authority or an approved installer who can assess your eligibility and provide you with a quote.

If you qualify for ECO4, you could receive free solar panels or a significant discount on the installation cost. However, the availability of funding may vary depending on the demand and the budget allocated by each local authority.

Solar Together Scheme

Solar Together is a group-buying scheme that allows residents in participating areas to get discounted solar panels from vetted installers. The scheme works by organising collective auctions where installers bid for contracts to supply and install solar panels for a large number of households. The lowest bid wins the auction and offers the best price to the customers.

Solar Together is open to homeowners and renters who have permission from their landlords. You don’t need to meet any income or energy efficiency criteria to join the scheme. However, you do need to live in an area where Solar Together is active. The scheme is run by local councils in partnership with iChoosr, a company that specialises in group-buying schemes.

To join Solar Together, you need to register your interest online and provide some details about your property and your energy usage. You will then receive a personalised offer from the winning installer after the auction. You can decide whether to accept the offer or not within six weeks. If you accept, the installer will contact you to arrange a survey and installation.

Solar Together can help you save up to 25% on the cost of solar panels compared to the market average. However, the savings may vary depending on the size and type of system you choose, the location of your property, and the number of participants in each auction.

Home Upgrade Grant

The Home Upgrade Grant (HUG) is a new scheme that will launch in April 2023 and run until March 2025. The scheme aims to help low-income households in England improve their home energy efficiency by providing grants of up to £10,000 for various measures, including solar panels.

The HUG scheme is funded by the government and administered by local authorities. The eligibility criteria and application process may differ depending on where you live. However, generally speaking, you need to have an annual household income of less than £30,000 and live in a property that has an energy efficiency rating of E, F, or G.

If you qualify for HUG, you could get up to 100% of the cost of installing solar panels covered by the grant. However, the availability of funding may be limited by the budget allocated by each local authority and the demand from eligible households.

VAT Discount

One of the easiest ways to save money on solar panels is to take advantage of the VAT discount that applies to all households in the UK. The VAT rate for solar panel installations is 0%, which means you don’t have to pay any tax on top of the price quoted by the installer.

The VAT discount is valid until 31st March 2027 and has no specific eligibility requirements or application process. You just need to make sure that your installer is registered for VAT and charges you accordingly.

The VAT discount can help you save hundreds of pounds on the cost of solar panels depending on the size and type of system you choose. For example, if you install a 4kW system that costs £7,000, you could save £1,400 in VAT.

Other Options

If none of the above grants and schemes apply to you or are not enough to cover the cost of solar panels, you may want to consider other options for funding your installation. These include:

– Smart Export Guarantee: A scheme that pays you for the excess electricity you generate and export to the grid. The payment rate varies depending on the supplier you choose and the time of day you export. You can compare different offers and switch suppliers to get the best deal.
– Green Home Rewards: A cashback scheme offered by some banks and building societies that rewards you for making energy-efficient improvements to your home, such as installing solar panels. The amount of cashback varies depending on the institution and the type of mortgage you have.
– Solar Subscription: A service that allows you to get solar panels installed on your roof for a monthly fee without any upfront cost. You can use the electricity generated by the panels and save money on your bills. The subscription fee covers the installation, maintenance, and insurance of the system. You can cancel at any time or buy out the system after a certain period.

How ECOlive Energy Solutions help You?

But how do you get solar panel grants of UK? That’s where Ecolive Energy Solutions comes in. Ecolive Energy Solutions is a leading provider of solar panel installation and maintenance services in the UK. They have a team of experts who can help you find the best solar panel grants for your needs and budget. They can also handle the entire process from start to finish, including:

– Assessing your property and energy consumption
– Designing a customized solar system that suits your needs
– Applying for the solar panel grants on your behalf
– Installing the solar panels with high-quality materials and workmanship
– Monitoring and maintaining the solar system for optimal performance

Ecolive Energy Solutions can help you with all the paperwork and requirements for these grants, as well as advise you on which ones are best suited for your needs and budget. They can also provide you with a free quote and consultation, so you can see how much you can save by going solar.

By choosing Ecolive Energy Solutions, you are not only getting quality service and products, but also supporting a social enterprise that aims to create positive social and environmental impact. 

We have a 10-year guarantee on their solar panels and a 25-year performance warranty. They also offer flexible payment options and free consultations.

If you want to learn more about how Ecolive Energy Solutions can help you get solar panel grants of UK, visit their website or contact them today. You won’t regret it!